Aviation Leadership Breakfast

2019 Aviation Leadership Breakfast

Guest speakers, Andrew & Norine Brunson

Andrew & Norine Brunson Christian Missionaries in Turkey

This year Andrew Brunson and his wife, Norine will be our guest speakers. This will be an extraordinary opportunity to hear the true story of persecution, imprisonment, and perseverance. Andrew's message will kick off your NBAA with a real world example of encouragement that you will want to hear and experience.

For more than 20 years, Andrew Brunson and his wife Norine had served as devoted Christian missionaries in Turkey. Following a 2016 coup attempt they had nothing to do with, in October of that year they were suddenly, and unjustly, arrested under suspicion of terrorism charges.

Not knowing any details about the allegations against them, and with little access to legal or consular help, the pair had no idea of the ordeal that had only just begun and would culminate two years later, with the world watching as the Trump administration took historic action to secure Andrew’s release.

Andrew will be sharing his remarkable story about being used as a political hostage by the Turkish president Erdogan and how Andrew believes that God used his imprisonment to orchestrate a worldwide prayer movement. The story begins with the arrest of Andrew and Norine, and their spending two uncertain weeks locked in a cell together, not knowing what they were facing. After Norine is released, readers feel Andrew’s anxiety increase as he is suddenly alone, then transferred from one Turkish prison to another – each one worse than the last, from solitary confinement to maximum security - and at one point is locked in a cell meant to hold 8, but now holds 18 men...all Muslim except for him.

Facing three life sentences, you will hear and feel Andrew’s utter helplessness as he deteriorates both physically and mentally. You see this devout man of Christ come to question his faith and ultimately ponder suicide. “I found myself plunged into the greatest crisis of faith and doubt that I had experienced in my life,” writes Andrew. “If God had decided to leave me here, or could not rescue me, then what hope did I have of ever getting out?”
